Por motivos de saúde tenho estado parado de toda e qualquer actividade modelística e isso reflectiu-se neste blog.
Como não quero dar ideia de que o mesmo "morreu", hoje resolvi transcrever a introdução da edição de hoje (Hot ideas for small railroads) do site de Carl Arendt, sobre maquetes pequenas. Não a traduzi para evitar erros e eventuais deturpações de sentido.
Besides being easy, quick and inexpensive to make, minimum space layouts are often a lot of fun to operate. It's a well-kept secret that the techniques for running a model railroad can apply just as well to very small layouts as they do to large, $15,000 basement-fillers. This page is dedicated to showing you some ways to enjoy "playing" with your micro layout!
I think there's a negative mythology afloat in the model railroading world that discounts small layouts as "boring and useless." These myths are completely false! It's time to puncture them and throw them away. So another purpose of this page is to deflate the myths and get rid of them, once and for all. Minimum space layouts are one heck of a lot of fun. Let's kick back and enjoy them!
I think there's a negative mythology afloat in the model railroading world that discounts small layouts as "boring and useless." These myths are completely false! It's time to puncture them and throw them away. So another purpose of this page is to deflate the myths and get rid of them, once and for all. Minimum space layouts are one heck of a lot of fun. Let's kick back and enjoy them!
2 comentários:
Ricardo, não poderia estar mais de acordo. Se bem que o meu sonho de ter um layout à americana, com horários, dispatchers mantém, tenho muta vontade de fazer um microlayout, seguindo o seu exemplo!!
Bom quote!!
Quem é que não sonha com um layout desses...
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